Wednesday, June 3, 2020

False Ally

Everyone that has checked out my blogs in the past already know that I don't put much energy in being condescending towards athletes. I just don't see value in it when I can use my platform to compliment those who I think are special. Today I gotta take time to say FUCK DREW BREES.

He was one of the first to push back against Colin Kaepernick's silent protest and today he's back on that bullshit about disrespecting the flag. A piece of cloth holds more weight to him than the lives of African Americans being violated and taken to their grave at the hands of policemen. 50 states have protested because we are all tired of this happening and the killers not being held accountable. Somehow Drew Brees looks beyond all the pain and suffering to worry about a goddamn polyester flag. We've seen this flag talk hijack the protest before. Hopefully people don't fall for it again. Disregard the fact that he has majority African American teammates…..yesterday he posted a black tile on Instagram with the hashtag #blackouttuesday as if he was standing in solidarity with those who want justice for George Floyd.

As a player who has taken a knee with his team in the past he comes off as a hypocritical piece of garbage who is willing to pose as an ally when he really doesn't fuck with the cause. People will expose themselves if you allow them to talk long enough. I've said enough and I really don't give a shit about the NFL anymore so I'll wrap this up. Just had to express my disgust.
Peace & Love everyone….. except Drew Brees